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gneL weiS | Siew Leng is ♥
Yours Truly.

I'm Siew Leng.C ,19 years of age. 20th December is my BIGday! currently studying in KBU @ Interior & Architecture Design. Love to hang out with my friends and P6.

♥Karaoke ♥Cheerleading ♥Basketball

Msn ; Facebook

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

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Say out LOUD!

Link to Love.

♥BeLL ♥Ugliness

♥Jian Wen ♥Huixin Darl

Hewwwwwww Shook Munn ♥Kit Yee ♥Honey ♥Mc

Crabby Leonard Leon Julius Vin C Vin C

Belle DEAR! Kate Kim Mei Mako Sheryl Stephanie Steven Tiffany Vicky Wee Vien

Amanda Bowieee Carmen Crystal Dorcas Ee Hwa Esther Eznur Fiona-oh-my-love Hero's Irina JoanneTee Joo Yee Nethelie Vinothini Yee Wing Ying Yau Yuen Shue Yuen Shue(France) Navin


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Designed by: Ahting

Big eyes.

August 2007
September 2007
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December 2007
January 2008
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September 2011

Sunday, November 30, 2008 - 11:40 PM

We went to Curve today Woohoooo~~
Bought a shoe today , a white shoe.
Tomorrow going to Sunway and Sg.wang with Kit Yee to shop till we drop!

AHAHAHA and its going to be fun! ^^

OMG! why is our baby bird senget?
we realised it always tilt to a side u know?
i think it is injured because it fell twice from the nest!
Seiiiiiiiiiii bird!
u see ur own baby!

we feel so hurt evrytime when we see the baby bird suffering from eating rice given by us.it always chooke u know?
OMG -_-

Its just beside me and it just cant stop 'screaming' ..
what happen baby?

OMG baby's feather started to grow edi!


Love ,


Saturday, November 29, 2008 - 10:54 PM

Something saddens my heart since yesterday afternoon. .
A baby bird fell of from its nest and we dont know where is the parents..
Its so small that we hardly can see it on the floor.
[ its not a crow ]
we believe its a new born baby as all the feathers are not fully formed yet..

So pityful!
we knew it might fall off from the bird nest stuck at our roof
But its already night until we realised it
so we actually fed it with some rice and water and ,
we put it inbetween a cloth so that it keeps the baby bird warm..
Then we bring it into my sister's room so that it could sleep with them .
we place it in a box with the cloth in it..

On the next day[ today ],
we all planned to put it back into the nest .
we climbed up and try to reach for the nest
we succeeded and it saddens my heart when suleng texted aileng and i that the baby bird fell off again! aileng and i went to 1u to shop today lefting suleng at home since she dont want to spend money ..
then suleng put it back again for the 2nd time.
BUT THEN we thinks that the brothers or parents purposely pushed it out of the nest again for the second time! DONT tell me its an accident ..
i dont think so since its edi the SECOND time.

Sei bird!
we decided to take care of it until all the feathers are fully form and let it free.
Wish us all the best kay!

I know i look horrible HAhaha

You seee.. my super short fingers looks like super giant hand beside of the baby bird!

Small enough? Super cute right?

p/s :

Suk mai , all the best in your finals!

Jia you ~


Love ,



Friday, November 28, 2008 - 2:51 PM

First day after SPM is over. .
Its really boring thou ..
I am soooo lazy to clean my study room.
all the books and papers all over the place.
So i decided to watch 5 Jingga episode 13 again..
Omggg.. although its just a simple low cost malaysia product,
but I really had a great time mixing around with great people!
All our hard work paid off.
I love 5 Jingga to the max no matter what others said ..

I missed everyone esspecially the main casts.
Nik , the forever cheerful and cute person.
Zal , the pretty 18 years old girl and my salsa partner!
Jed , the mature 13 years old girl
Andi , the shorty funny breakdancer! ahahaha!
Zaidi and all their friends .. esspecially Alex ! *^-^*
and also all the people in it!
the crew and all ..
all of them are really friendly.
Dont understand why all the people who watch 5 Jingga on website keep telling they all damn sombong ..
bangang membabi betul ..
no matter what ,
I still hearted them.

Too much to mention ..

I Missed everyone now after i watched the last episode.
I also heard that zaleha / saleha went back to england already .
Saleha is a friend to one of my sis friend.
they studied in the same school..

According to her ,
all their brothers and sisters will stay in M'sia until they finishes from 5 then they all have to meet their mum in England for further studies and might not come back anymore..

all the best Saleha! miss ya loads!
all the best in the future undertakings to all the people in 5 Jingga..

Here are some pictures we took during the shooting days ..

This is what nadiah and i did in the van. AHAHAH!

Pictures taken on the first day of shooting.


2nd day of shooting .


First practise for the competition between Cinta and Blitz
Competition in school

Abang Sham perut buncit!

Cute ''zi ann''


Madeline and Esther

PD scene

Practise for Nationals

Camp Scene at somewhere near Zoo



Good looking uncle!

Us with Ken

May , our mummy with Esther

Hunny and I [ I know I look like ghost ]

Prom Night Scene
